he didn't respond to the gentle hint his teacher gave him 意味
- 先生が婉曲的に言った助言になんの反応もしなかった
- he he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
- didn't 【発音】di'dnt、【@】ディドゥント、ディドント、【分節】did?n't
- respond respond v. 返答する; 応じる; 反応する. 【副詞1】 Let's see what they do, and then
- gentle gentle adj. やさしい. 【+前置詞】 He was gentle in manner but firm in action.
- hint 1hint n. ヒント, 暗示, 注意(事項), 心得. 【動詞+】 A few hints are added here for those
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- teacher teacher n. 教員, 教師. 【動詞+】 His parents could not afford a private teacher.
- gave gave [ɡéiv] 【動】 giveの過去形.
- him HIM {略} : health information management 医療情報管理{いりょう じょうほう かんり}
- respond to {1} : ~に応答[返事?反応]する、~に答える◆answer より堅い表現 Respond to the following
- respond to gentle persuasion 穏やかな説得{せっとく}に応じる
- according to a statement someone gave after his arrest 逮捕後{たいほ ご}の(人)の供述{きょうじゅつ}[陳述{ちんじゅつ}]によると
- gave gave [ɡéiv] 【動】 giveの過去形.
- give someone the hint that he ought to leave (人)の肩たたきをする
- pupil unworthy of his teacher 不肖{ふしょう}の弟子{でし}